
We have two bus runs on our service: the country bus and the town bus. Each bus run has a different circuit depending on if it is before or after school.

In the morning, the country bus covers Kuku Beach Road, SH1 Muhunoa East Road, stopping at school, and then continuing on to Florida Road and Tangimoana Road before returning to school.

After school, the country bus travels down Muhunoa East Road to Florida Road and Tangimoana Road, back to Arapaepae Road, turns at Kimberley Road, into McLeavey Road, onto SH1 and down to Kuku Beach Road.

In the morning the town run picks up at Waiopehu College, Horowhenua College, across MakoMako Road, McKenzie Street, Hokio Beach Road, Bruce Road, Buller Road, C.D. Farm Road, Joblins Line, back to Buller Road, across to McLeavey Road, Arapaepae Road, Kimberley corner, Muhunoa East Road, and on to school.

After school, the town bus travels along SH1, into Buller Road, C.D. Farm Road, Bruce Road, Hokio Beach Road, SH1, then to Waiopehu College and finishes at Horowhenua College.

Eligibility for School Bus Transport
Students are eligible for transport assistance if they meet all three criteria below.

1. The student must be enrolled at the nearest appropriate school (mainstream state school, state-integrated school, partnership school, or Māori medium school).

2. They must live more than a certain distance from the nearest appropriate school (The distance is measured over the shortest public road or pedestrian route from home roadside gate to the school’s front gate). If you live within 3.2 km of the school, you may be charged for the bus service or not be able to use it at all.

  • For years 1 to 8 at least 3.2 km.
  • For year 9 or above at least 4.8 km.

3. There must be no suitable public transport options. Suitable public transport means that it travels within 2.4 km of the home roadside gate and 2.4 km of the closest appropriate school, and that the student:

  • Won't have to be picked up before 7 am.
  • Can get to school before it starts.
  • Can be picked up within 1 hour after school finishes.
  • Doesn't have to change buses more than once on a journey.

At ŌHAU School we have an Enrolment Scheme Zone and a Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ). These are two different areas. Some students do not live within the Transport Entitlement Zone but are within our Enrolment Scheme Zone. Therefore they do not officially meet the eligibility to catch the bus to or from school. However, we have an agreement with the bus company to transport students to and from school as long as these students pay for a bus ticket. This also is required of students who live out of our school zone but parents transport their children to the nearest bus stop within the TEZ or they join the bus service at an earlier pick-up point. Money from bus tickets is collected by the school but given to the bus company, invoiced to MyKindo. 

At the end of the school day, we monitor and check off those students catching the bus. We would appreciate your help by please informing the office if plans have changed and you are collecting your child at the end of the day. Your child can quickly go to the office or check in with the person checking the bus list before they leave the school grounds. 

Bus Code of Conduct

The caregiver and student will be asked to ensure they have read and understood this code of conduct, which must be adhered to for the safety of the bus driver and all students travelling on the school bus. Both the student and parent will need to sign this before beginning to travel on the bus. 

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Hayes Spraying Services Salt and Pepper Cafe A1 Drain Unblockers Scotts Handyman Services Fran James - Property Brokers Levin No Worries Knitwear Co NZ Rapid Lime Scotts Roofing Ltd Jan Sparrow Harcourts Levin
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